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Utah couple accidentally shipped their cat with an Amazon return [Video]

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The Amazon returns employee wasn’t at work the day one of her colleagues at a California warehouse found a small, furry stowaway in a box mailed six days earlier from Utah.But Brandy Hunter got the call anyway.“Everyone knows I love cats,” she recalled. “I was not on shift but went to the facility with cat food and a carrier to see if I could help.”When she got there April 16, the small calico had emerged from the 3-by-3-foot cardboard container. But the feline was frightened and wouldn’t eat anything.“She eventually warmed up to me and let me pet her,” Hunter said in her statement from Amazon. “I could tell she belonged to someone by the way she was behaving, so I took her home that night.”Hunter planned to feed and cuddle the wee hitchhiker, she said. She also would take her the next day to a vet for an exam …

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