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Don’t Raise Venture Capital: Hiten Shah’s Route to Riches [Video]

Venture Capital

Don’t Raise Venture Capital: Hiten Shah’s Route to Riches

Are you seeking invaluable tips on becoming a successful startup CEO?

In this episode, Mark MacLeod gets into an engaging discussion with Hiten Shah, the co-founder and CEO of Nira, exploring the myriad facets of leading and funding a startup. Hiten shares his experiences and philosophies, ranging from the necessity of aligning product development with customer feedback to the intricacies of venture capital and self-funding.

Discover the profound insights on venture capital investment, the vital importance of investor-founder alignment, and Hiten’s unique approach to product innovation and company culture. This episode is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned executives alike, who are eager to learn from someone who has walked the challenging path of startup success.
Key moments:
05:10 How to Build a Startup from Scratch
11:20 Advantages of Self-funding versus VC
14:45 The role of Investors
19:30 Strategies for Handling Risk and Investors
29:10 Remote Work and its Impact on Company Culture
32:40 Discussion on Customer Obsession
37:50 Challenges of raising money and the timing of investment pitches.
42:05 Understanding and Leveraging Investor Expectations.
47:00 Accountability in Remote Work and Transparency in Business.
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