How to Reach your Market in a World Ruled by Generative AI
How to Reach your Market in a World Ruled by Generative AI
12 Steps to Create Videos

AI success depends on a culture of innovation [Video]

Venture Capital

Powerful AI technology does not guarantee adoption and use. Instead, we need to prioritize building AI innovations with clear applications for society and the market.

Credit: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock

In 2001, Steve Jobs called it as big a deal as the PC and venture capitalist John Doerr said it might be bigger than the internet. What revolutionary technology were they referring to? The Segway. You know, the personal transport device that flopped in the marketplace and became synonymous with mall security guards.

The fanfare around artificial intelligence (AI) today is even bigger than the lofty talk about the Segway over twenty years ago. I have no doubt that in the long run AI will live up to the hype and revolutionize our lives and work. But in the short run, we risk building an astonishing, awe-inspiring technology that few use.

The speed of development and untapped potential around AI are astounding, but that doesn’t mean AI will automatically become central to our lives and work. Just …

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