Starting a Business

Asparagus and Ricotta Pizza – Just a Taste [Video]

It’s about time spring made its much-anticipated debut in New York City. Temperatures are just starting to creep up into the 40s, and dare I jinx it, but we may even have a 50-degree day on the horizon. With a change of the seasons comes new beginnings, and I’ve been keeping extra busy with a fun and challenging weeknight endeavor that’s way outside my comfort zone of cheese, carbs and chocolate.

Fire up those Excel engines because yours truly is wading her way through the wide world of Business Fundamentals & Tactics, the first-ever business program organized by New York City entrepreneur society General Assembly along with knowledge partner McKinsey & Company. Long story short, I’ve gone from crunching on Homemade Samoas Girl Scout Cookieswhile dealing with numbers in the form of teaspoons and cups, to crunching out cumulative revenue formulas while building financial models to map key …

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