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Biden and Trump to lock horns in critical presidential debate [Video]

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Joe Biden and Donald Trump square off for a historic US presidential debate Thursday, with the stage set for what could be an inflection point in the 2024 race as millions of voters tune in to the clash of rivals.

The showdown — between the oldest-ever incumbent and a convicted felon — fires the starting gun on what promises to be a bruising summer of campaigning in a deeply polarized and tense United States still convulsed over the chaos and violence that accompanied the 2020 election.

With only two debates this election cycle, Thursday’s high-stakes event takes on heightened significance, and both candidates have stepped up their personal attacks, with national polls showing the pair neck and neck.

As the candidates applied finishing touches to their debate strategy, one critical question remained: Will Trump the political pugilist rein in his aggressive tendencies or unleash his unruliness, much as he did …

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