Starting A Business From Home

Coaching and Mentoring Case Study Leroy Brown Carpentry [Video]

Leroy Brown Carpentry – Two and a Half Years after he started working with Tony Inman

The first thing we did was to look at Leroy’s own perception of himself and his circumstances. We worked on his self-talk, his perception of the opportunity he had before him, his values and his amazing support network. Surely and steadily, Leroy built his confidence and became excited and enthused about designing his life by building an effective business and having fun doing it.

Leroy had two massive points of difference over his competition. One was that he kept his word and always turned up at the time he had said to the customer that he would be there – that’s a big one for a WA-based tradie! The second was that he always cleaned up after himself – no piles of unwanted sawdust are ever left behind on a Leroy Brown worksite. For …

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