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Controversial corporate law bill moves to final vote [Video]

Company Formation

DOVER — Senate Bill 313, which corporate legal scholars argue will shift how the board of directors oversee millions of companies that do business as Delaware corporations, is set for a floor vote in the House of Representatives today. 

The potential vote is set at the end of a long agenda in the House after a contentious House Judiciary committee hearing on Tuesday raised questions about the late timing of the bill on a complicated issue. Rep. Franklin Cooke (D-Newport/New Castle) made his displeasure known at the committee hearing, but voted to release the bill so his other colleagues would be able to hear the complex issues.

“I know how complicated this is, because it’s very complicated to me, and I don’t appreciate it on June 18. I need my other colleagues to hear this completely,” Cooke said during the hearing. 

SB 313 passed out of committee with a vote of 6-4, with one member …

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