Startup Business

Ep03 – Should You Start Your Business as a Sole Trader or a Limited Company? [Video]

Ep03 – Should You Start Your Business as a Sole Trader or a Limited Company?

If you’re just starting up as a freelance coach, trainer or consultant, one the first questions you have to ask yourself is how do you want to set up your business – as a sole trader or a limited company.

There are definite pros and cons to both and it can be a little confusing to know what’s best.

In this episode I’m sharing my own thoughts and how I made my choices having been both a sole trader and a limited company.

But I’m not an accountant, so please don’t treat this as financial or accounting advice! Hopefully though, it might give you some ideas about what feels right for you. And then you can have a conversation with an accountant with a bit more confidence.

If you enjoyed this episode and you’d like to hear more from me why not jump into my weekly REFUEL for more business tips and tricks and the business gossip I don’t share elsewhere – straight into your inbox each Monday(ish).

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