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Evolution of mid-tier accountancy firms [Video]

Startup Funding

Chartered accountancy firms have long served as trusted advisors to businesses, but they also have their own unique set of challenges. This research enabled managing partners at mid-tier UK firms to share their thoughts on the key issues impacting the sector and what these mean for the future. The research highlights five key themes:


Firm structure and operational model

The partnership model remains predominant, but private equity is beginning to have an impact.

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Leadership and culture

Firms see themselves as client-centric, but is there a disconnect between future client needs and leadership skills?

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Recruiting and retaining qualified staff is the top challenge facing mid-tier firms, but what can be done?

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Technology provides significant opportunity for the profession, but firms are cautious in their approach.

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Financial performance and service lines

Firms are diversifying service lines, and this presents opportunities and challenges.

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