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France’s Macron defends decision on snap legislative elections, urges voters to defeat far-right WSOC TV [Video]

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PARIS — (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron defended his decision to call snap parlimentary elections after his party’s crushing defeat in the European parliamentary vote, insisting on Wednesday that voters will ultimately choose the “progressive bloc” over the far-right.

In France, legislative elections decide the makeup of the parliament, not the occupant of the presidential Elysee Palace. Macron has a presidential mandate until 2027, and said he would not step down before the end of his term.

The somber-looking French leader said his move to call early polls — the voting will take place in two rounds, on June 30 and July 7 — showed his “confidence” in the French people. He urged moderate politicians from the left and the right to regroup with his own centrist alliance to defeat the far-right.

“I think the French are intelligent, they see what’s being done, what’s coherent and what’s not, and …

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