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Gen Z pushes for clothing to be more sustainable NBC 7 San Diego [Video]

Gen Z-ers are beginning to enter the real world and start careers, and with that comes the generation’s effects on life and fashion.

In the world of fast fashion, a business model focused on quickly producing high volumes of trendy clothing by using low-quality materials, such as polyester and other microplastics, brands are noticing as the new generation focuses more on sustainability.

Thirty-six percent of Gen Z-ers buy new articles of fast fashion clothing at least once a month, and the age group averages $767 a year spent on fast fashion clothing.

All that consumption comes with a noticeable environmental footprint.

According to management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, for every five garments produced, the equivalent of three end up in a landfill. And, the incineration of textile waste in fast fashion is responsible for the release of 1.2 billion tons of greenhouse gases a year, the study also found.

Despite the waste stemming from fast fashion, brands are able to attract Gen …

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