Starting a Business

Im 23-year-old and my uni room side hustle brings in 100k a year – you can start with as little as 3.50 [Video]

A 23-YEAR-old has revealed how she started her side-hustle for next to nothing and she brought in nearly £100,000 last year.

Sophie Riegel decided to make a bit of extra cash selling old clothes that she didn’t want from her wardrobe.

Sophie Riegel sells thrifted clothes online and she didn’t need much money to startCredit: Sophie Riegel

After making $200 (£157) she chose to reinvest the money and buy some quality pieces from thrift shops to sell on for a profit.

Speaking to CNBC Make It, she said: “I’ve been a thrifter my entire life, because I don’t like spending money. I’d much rather spend $5 (£2.50) than $100 (£78.55) on a pair of pants.

“[In terms of the thrifting], you can start with as little as $5. You get one good thing for $5 and you’ve got more money already: $5 turns into $20, turns into $100.

“If you start with your own …

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