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MoF, MASLOC board cant be left off the hook in the misappropriated funds Analyst [Video]

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Former MASLOC Boss

Public Sector Analyst, Harry Yamson has said both the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Board of Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) cannot evade responsibility for the misappropriated funds and financial losses incurred by the state.

He said accountability should extend beyond individuals to include the oversight bodies and supervisory ministries involved.

Mr. Yamson’s comment comes following the sentencing of former MASLOC boss, Sedina Christine Tamakloe Attionu, and Daniel Axim, the former Head of Operations, to 10 and 5-year jail terms respectively by an Accra High Court.

The court found them guilty on all 78 counts, including willfully causing financial loss to the Republic.

In an interview with Starr News, Mr. Yamson stressed the historical lack of effective oversight over MASLOC and suggested that, accountability should encompass not only the board of the company but also its supervisory Ministry, which reports to Parliament.

In his view, it is important …

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