Starting a Business

New foundation director to boost business giving [Video]

The Quad Cities Community Foundation has created a new position of director of corporate philanthropy, to be filled by Jean Moran — a longtime Community Foundation volunteer, board member, and advocate.

The position will lead the organization’s ongoing efforts to expand corporate and business philanthropy in the QC region, according to a Monday release.

Jean Moran

“Partnering with businesses and corporations has been essential to the Community Foundation’s mission for many years,” said Sue Hafkemeyer, the Community Foundation’s president and CEO. “Part of our strategic vision for the coming years is to build on those partnerships and leverage the generosity of local businesses as we continue to transform the region. This new position is critical to achieving that goal, and I can think of no one better suited for it than Jean.”

Research shows that corporate philanthropy is important to both customers and employees, the Community Foundation said. Purpose-driven companies experience more loyalty, more growth, and more …

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