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NFL approves radical overhaul to kickoff rule [Video]


The NFL has approved a new change to the kickoff rule. This new policy takes what has become a “a dead play” and makes it a vital part of the game again.

On Tuesday, team owners approved the new rule which uses parts of the kickoff rules used in the XFL and modifies them for use in the NFL starting in 2024. 

Under the league’s current kickoff policy, any touchback — or if a returner calls for a fair catch in the field of play — results in the receiving team getting the ball at its 25-yard line.

According to the Associated Press, this new rule will be in play for a season for a trial run and could be revived in 2025. 

RELATED: NFL bans hip-drop tackles, despite NFLPA opposition

This announcement of the kickoff rule comes after the league banned hip-drop tackles. 

How will the new NFL kickoff rule work?

For a standard kickoff, the ball …

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