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Permit-less carry law concerns New Orleans’ MSY TSA [Video]

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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — If you’re starting to think about taking a trip this summer, the Transportation Security Administration at Louis Armstrong International Airport is reminding travelers of the law, specifically when it comes to traveling with a gun.

Items like magazines and bullets are among the prohibited items some travelers at the New Orleans airport tried to get onto their planes.

As for the gun itself, MSY TSA has already intercepted 15 firearms so far this year.

“During holiday periods, the number of guns passengers bring to our checkpoint rises,” said TSA spokeswoman Sari Koshetz.

WGNO asked one man flying home to Michigan if he knew the proper way to travel with your gun.

“My understanding is you have to lock the trigger mechanisms, so they all come with that, with a padlock, and then put it in a safe, gun safe, and that’s got to be locked up, and then …

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