Marketing a Startup

The power of the ✨Magic Circumstance✨ [Video]

The power of the ✨Magic Circumstance✨

Wield it wisely, witches and wizards 🪄

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What my clients have to say…

“I’m a 2x startup founder and ex-corporate strategy/innovation manager who’s already learnt best practices from Cal Newport and read several books on being effective with time and energy.

Previous executive coaches I’ve worked with were only helpful for 2-3 sessions and either had too rigid structures or couldn’t keep up intellectually.

Within the first 2 sessions, Pooja helped me achieve a new level of performance. Her style of running quick experiments to map emotional reactions and key assumptions allowed us to quickly find opportunities to adjust my mental model and implement solutions that weren’t possible with previous ways of thinking.

Please don’t work with Pooja, because she’s one of my secret superpowers.”

—Client | Startup Founder

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