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Venture Capital Funding Advice for Startup Company Entrepreneurs from Scott Fox [Video]

Venture Capital

Venture Capital Funding Advice for Startup Company Entrepreneurs from Scott Fox

Free investor pitch feedback and strategy questions about how to raise venture capital money were the topics once again at June’s monthly Startup Office Hours.

With an audience of founders and investors from all over the world, the Startup Council was pleased to host the conversations with our CEO, Scott Fox.

Watch the free replay for startup #founder pitches, and the expert #investor feedback they got, including:

– Jauw from Los Angeles practiced the investor pitch for his data sharing and security software platform
– Ketan & Nishan from Bengalaru pitched about their edtech and recruiting platform for friendly feedback from Scott and the chat room audience
– Ana from Serbia had questions about financial projections for investors, and pitched her AI-assisted platform for romance novel production
– Dr. K from Orange County was back with an updated pitch for his universal user interface services
– Jia from London UK asked about the best strategy for his startup to pick a home country most likely to attract investors
– Joe from Anaheim asked about strategies for building his software development team and finding a technical co-founder or CTO

Please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and SHARE if the show is helpful to you?

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Great to see everyone and congratulations on progress you are making with your visions!

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