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Who Was Dulce Alondra? Woman Killed in Train Accident While Taking Selfie in Mexico Was Single Mom Whose Son Was Standing Next to Her [GRAPHIC] [Video]

A woman killed by a vintage steam train in a Mexican town after standing too close to the track for a selfie has been identified as 29-year-old teacher Dulce Alondra. Spanish-speaking broadcaster Noticias Telemundo reported that Alondra was with her young son when she was hit by a locomotive called The Empress on Tuesday.

In a video, she can be seen telling her child to stay low and away from the train. However, while standing on a small hill posing for a selfie, the single mother got too close to the train, leading to the accident. Her son was reportedly not injured in the incident but has been left orphaned.

Tragic Death

The tragedy occurred in the town of Nopala de Villagran, 60 miles northwest of Mexico City. Just before the woman was struck, a voice can be heard warning people to stay far away from the train.

Authorities have alerted residents …

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