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10 Tools for VR Design [Video]

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Are you undertaking a virtual reality (VR) development project? You should know about the best tools for VR design. The top 10 VR software design and development tools are as follows:

1. Unity VR Engine

You can use the Unity VR engine, which is one of the best-known tools for VR design. It’s great for augmented reality (AR) app design too. Developers have used it for creating popular games like Pokémon Go and Hearthstone.

You get the following advantages if you use Unity:

  • Unity offers a real-time game engine, which makes it a popular choice for developing VR games. You can use it for all other VR use cases too.
  • You can create high-quality graphics.
  • This VR technology solution is compatible with all popular VR headsets.
  • You can use the “VR mode” offered by the Unity game engine. It allows you to preview your work on your own headset.
  • VR developers can create highly appealing immersive environments using Unity. …
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