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When Is A Trademark A Geographical Indicator And When It Is Not? [Video]

Starting a Business

Coca cola, Peugeot, Marlboro, and Citibank; Cognac, Pislen, Tequila, andChampagne. To a layman all these are brands of consumer goods and services thathave become very famous over the years because of their quality, uniqueness,styling and lot many other factors. But in the realm of Intellectual PropertyRights these names have been categorized into two distinct categories, one thatof trademarks and one that of geographical indications. While the first set of 4names distinguish products or services and/or their producer, manufacturer, orprovider and the next set distinguish the geographical origin of a givenproduct.

Both set of names can acquire a high reputation and commercial value and mayalso be exposed to misappropriation, counterfeiting or misuse. So are the twocategories similar? Or are there differences between the two that have resultedin such demarcation?

Yes! There are differences between trademarks and geographical indications. And to …

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