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Building Wealth Through Business Ownership [Video]

Company Formation

Building Wealth Through Business Ownership

Owning companies is a powerful strategy for wealth accumulation, offering opportunities beyond traditional investments.

In this week’s episode of Retire in Texas, Darryl Lyons, CEO and co-founder of PAX Financial Group, explores the concept of investing as a means to own businesses, emphasizing how this approach can generate long-term financial growth.

Show highlights include:

*Exploring why owning a business is considered the best way to accumulate wealth, supported by evidence and examples.

*Differentiating between passive and active real estate ownership, and their impacts on wealth-building.

*Understanding the connection between investing in stocks and owning companies, highlighting the tangible benefits.

*Real-world examples of innovative companies, such as Align Technology and Fortinet, and their contributions to the investment landscape.

*Examining the potential of companies like Garmin in the fitness industry, especially with the rise of obesity drugs and health trends.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, make sure to leave a comment and share the show with a friend!

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