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Here’s what Sam Altman-backed basic income experiment found [Video]

Startup Funding

A recent study on basic income, backed by OpenAI founder Sam Altman, shows that giving low-income people guaranteed paydays with no strings attached can lead to their working slightly less, affording them more leisure time.

The study, which is one of the largest and most comprehensive of its kind, examined the impact of guaranteed income on recipients’ health, spending, employment, ability to relocate and other facets of their lives.

Altman first announced his desire to fund the study in a 2016 blog post on startup accelerator Y Combinator’s site.

Some of the questions he set out to answer about how people behave when they’re given free cash included, “Do people sit around and play video games, or do they create new things? Are people happy and fulfilled?” according to the post. Altman, whose OpenAI is behind generative text tool ChatGPT, which threatens to take away some jobs, said in the blog post that he thinks technology’s elimination of “traditional …

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