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St. Peter Street unfished after construction contract terminated [Video]

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Neighbors in one Treme neighborhood are fed up with overgrown grass and gushing water on Saint Peter Street. The street has been under construction for years and now the city is looking for a new contractor to complete the job. Keith Swanier spends a lot of time at the Prince Hall Masonic Temple and said a stretch of St. Peter Street is a mess.”It looks like a field. It doesn’t look like a city street. You tell me. We can’t drive anywhere, we can’t park anywhere. It looks like barren land,” said Swanier.In 2020 the city of New Orleans awarded an $8 million contract to Command Construction Industries. The federal funds were used to complete Group B of the Treme-Lafitte project. Since then, the work is at a standstill with water gushing from the ground and the street essentially a pasture.”It wasn’t a super highway when they tore into it, …

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