Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan on Thursday defended his decision to appoint two new vice chancellors on an interim basis, till permanent appointments are made, saying he had followed the rules..
The appointments came under attack from State Higher Education Minister R.Bindhu who said that these were not valid and legal steps against this were being considered.
Governor Khan told the reporters who asked him about the appointments, “Please read the rules and I have done my duty according to the rules vested with the Chancellor”.
“I am not going to reply to the statement of the Minister as all are entitled to their views. I did the appointment based on the latest directive from the judiciary,” added the Governor.
On Wednesday, Khan appointed new vice-chancellors for Digital University Kerala (DUK) and the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU).
Ciza Thomas, former vice-chancellor of KTU was appointed as the VC of …