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Wortley business owner devasted by arson hopes to rebuild [Video]

Starting A Business From Home

Wortley Village, considered the heart of Old South, is again coming together to help business owners impacted by an alleged arson on Thursday, Nov. 28, 2024.

The damage has left the owners of two small shops at the corner of Wortley Rd. and Bruce St. in London scrambling to save their livelihoods.

As she enters her shop called Sha Choix, Sharinne Snellen looks around, overwhelmed with sadness, “so this is it,” she says depleted.

Snellen says her business is destroyed, and she’s lost everything inside her small shop due to water and smoke damage from the fire.

“We’ve been here for ten years, and just like this (snaps fingers), it’s all gone, devasted,” explained Snellen, who says she’s been overwhelmed by the support she’s received from the community.

“Lots of, flowers, gifts and cards and messages that keep me going, you know, it’s just amazing.”

The MYLIE Group just south …

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