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Donut Savant struggles to find eggs in East Bay [Video]

Starting a Business

As suppliers navigating the bird flu crisis have cracked down on how many eggs you can buy, small businesses like Donut Savant in Oakland are feeling the bite of higher egg prices.

You may have seen it yourself: egg shelves at popular stores sitting empty. Signs at others saying “Limit: one per customer”.

An outbreak of bird flu has torn through commercial chicken flocks across the United States, leaving suppliers stretched and consumers in a bind.

Some shoppers are thankful they have been able to access eggs at all. 

“They’re the jumbos. When you cook, jumbos are a thing, but bigger is not better for eggs… I’m baking still, so, no complaints,” Oakland resident Darshan Labang told KTVU. 

But egg prices are higher for consumers. The United States Department of Agriculture says the cost of a dozen eggs in California has increased to $8.97.

Some small businesses are struggling to …

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