A large, heavy load will travel between Edmonton and Fort McMurray starting on Tuesday.
In the early morning hours, a coker drum will leave Dacro Industries Inc. at 9325 51 Ave.
It will travel at a maximum speed of 60 km/h and take up the entire width of the highways it travels on – sometimes blocking traffic in both directions.
From its starting point in Edmonton, the drum will travel on:
- 51 Avenue, east;
- 75 Street, south;
- Whitemud Drive, east counterflow;
- Highway 216, south counterflow;
- Highway 14, east (staging at a point on the highway until daylight);
- Highway 36, north;
- Highway 45, east.
The load will park at the Two Hills scale overnight.
On Jan. 8, travel will resume along Highway 45 east, going to:
- Highway 36, north;
- Highway 29, east;
- Highway 36, north;
- Highway 28, west;
- Highway 63, north.
The load will stop in …