In just two years, 21-year-old Claudia Coleman has transformed her teenage passion for baking into The Sugar Dealer, a growing Auckland-based bakery with a nationwide following. NZBusiness sat down with the young business owner who explains how she managed to build a successful business in a particularly challenging time for the industry.
What started in a home kitchen has grown into a bustling operation on Auckland’s iconic Karangahape ‘K’ Road, thanks to a strategic focus on online sales, adaptability in the face of challenges, and an obsession with perfecting the humble brownie.
In 2022, Claudia Coleman took a bold leap of faith.
After years of feeling uninspired working at Subway, Claudia transformed her teenage passion for baking into a full-fledged business, launching The Sugar Dealer from her home kitchen.
“I’ve been baking since I was 13, and I just taught myself how to do it. I didn’t have any qualifications, …