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Product Management KPIs Guide – DevTeam.Space [Video]

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Trying to make the best of the product management process in your organization? Focus on the product management KPIs (key performance indicators).

You need to know the important ones and DevTeam.Space’s guide can help you, thanks to our extensive product development experience.

Read this product management KPIs guide and build great products!

Setting the Context: Product Management KPIs vs Metrics

You can improve your product management process with the help of product management KPIs. Product management metrics can help you too. Are the product management KPIs and metrics the same?

You use product management metrics to measure any kind of business goal. Many of these business goals might not be core objectives, however, KPIs focus on the core objectives only.

You can think of product management KPIs as subsets of product management metrics. Every such KPI is a metric. However, not all metrics are KPIs. 

Which Product Management KPIs Should Product Managers Use?

Your business context determines the product management KPIs that you should use. The …

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