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Amelia Kallman | Technology & Innovation Expert [Video]

Leading futurist, speaker and author, Amelia Kallman is an innovation and technology communicator that regularly provides consultation and advice to brands, agencies and governments all around the globe. Specialising in topics that include the future of retail, emerging trends and technologies, AI, VR and the Internet of Things, among others, Amelia influences her clients and audience members to unlock new ways of creativity.

Starting her tech career by chance in 2013, she joined the creative technology agency, Engage Works Ltd., working her way up to become the Global Head of Innovation in 2015. Since the start of her career, Amelia has built up a varied portfolio of work, including working as Head of Communications for INITION, opened and curated a variety of pop-up and permanent technology labs in London, Scotland and Dubai, and has worked with a number of leading international clients that include EY, Accenture, Lloyds, PWC and …

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