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At least one county commissioner wants more info before Lee Health goes private [Video]

FORT MYERS, Fla. — Lee Health wants to go from a public to a private nonprofit hospital, for the change to happen, the Board of Lee County Commissioners needs to sign off on it.

On Tuesday, commissioners heard from Lee Health on their plans to become a private hospital.

State law requires the commissioners to sign off on the final decision, and Tuesday’s workshop meeting is a step in that process.

Watch Lee County Community Correspondent, Ella Rhoades report on the workshop below.

At least one county commissioner wants more info before Lee Health goes private

Find details on the Lee Health’s conversion plan here.

Lee Health says this change will let them make more money and let them expand outside the county.

Lee Health’s Board of Directors voted last month 9 to 1 to convert to a private non profit hospital.

They also believe the conversion will help them address the growing needs of the community.

Commissioner Cecil …

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