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Biden’s last UNGA speech comes as wars rage in Middle East, Ukraine [Video]

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President Joe Biden attempted to square the diplomatic record and goals of his presidency with the grim reality of wars in the Middle East, Ukraine and Sudan during a major address Tuesday at the annual gathering of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the final one of his presidency.

“I know many look at the world today and see difficulties and react with despair,” Biden said. “But maybe because all I’ve seen and all we have done together over the decades, I have hope.”

His speech touched on what the administration views as its most significant achievements. These include supporting Ukraine’s defense against Russia‘s 2022 invasion, managing competition with China, upholding the U.N. Charter, outlining global artificial intelligence principles, and working to address humanitarian crises in Gaza and Sudan.

With four months left in office, the speech was one of Biden’s few remaining opportunities to frame his foreign policy legacy in …

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