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Camp RISE helps kids earn money, learn about careers in Milwaukee [Video]

Right now, there’s a growing call for help and donations to a special camp for Milwaukee Public Schools students. Camp RISE, a leadership and career exploration program, is returning for its fourth year next summer.Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson helped found the program. “Camp RISE is unique,” said Johnson. “In fact, in my conversations with leaders, mayors from all over the country, I’m not even aware of a similar program like this anywhere else in the United States.”Camp RISE is open to 400 Milwaukee Public Schools students ages 10 to 13. “We do a lot of money management and leadership training,” said Romell Greer of Employ Milwaukee. “Some of the things we do is we go throughout the city, we set up field trips to paint murals, and also clean neighborhoods. We took the kids to the port last year, and the kids were able to see these large boats and …

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