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Church on Indy’s far east side starts mobile grocery store [Video]

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It’s called the “Mobile Community Grocery Store,” and it’s a small store inside of a trailer that can be hauled anywhere it’s needed.

INDIANAPOLIS — There’s a new grocery store coming to the far east side of Indianapolis, and it’s on four wheels. 

It’s called the “Mobile Community Grocery Store.” It’s a small store inside of a trailer that can be hauled anywhere it’s needed.

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church came up with the idea after seeing the east side of the city lacking the resources for fresh food and nearby grocery stores.

“We don’t have grocery stores, and so many people have to shop at the gas station food marts, and you know how healthy that food can be — if not healthy at all,” said Theron Williams, pastor at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. “So, we want to provide this for our community. It is extremely important that they get the best nutrition as …

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