Starting A Business From Home

Couple transform rotting 78ft yacht they found hidden under a tarp into dream family home [Video]

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Blaine and Janis Carmena took a gamble on an early retirement – cashing in their savings and buying a rotting 78ft yacht they found under a tarp along Alaska‘s remote coast.

The vessel – the Tangaroa – has since sucked more than half a million dollars and many hours on repairs. 

But the upbeat couple told they wouldn’t change a thing.

Now, it’s a home for the duo, their daughter, Izzy, 17, and Mexican rescue dog Maggie in the waters off Victoria, in British Colombia, Canada.

This summer, they’ll wave goodbye to Vancouver Island for an epic 10-year voyage to Siberia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and then back up through the Arctic and into Northern Europe.

For their fans on social media, the Carmenas show how an ordinary Canadian-American couple can take a big swing and, with hard work and dedication, enjoy a dream retirement …

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