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Early Learners Academy starts at CMOE | Video

...Hot and Humid Today...Triple digit heat index values are expected again this afternoonover southeast Missouri, the Purchase Area of Kentucky, andadjacent portions of southern Illinois. The worst conditions areexpected over the Ozark Foothills, where readings could reach 110degrees. Farther to the northeast heat index values are expectedto range from 95 to 100 degrees, but triple digit readings will bepossible throughout the region. A Heat Advisory may eventually beissued for a portion of the region if confidence improves.Use caution if planning to be outdoors for extended periods oftime. Take frequent breaks, drink plenty of water, and wear lightcolored clothing.

Its a 6-week series of classes incorporating science, technology, engineering, art and math elements.

...Hot and Humid Today... Triple digit heat index values are expected again this afternoon over southeast Missouri, the Purchase Area of Kentucky, and adjacent portions of southern ...

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