This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Domestic Supply Chain Summit on Wednesday.
FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Revolutionizing warehousing: Using drones to build inclusive operations
DETAILS: Sankalp Arora, co-founder and CEO of Gather AI, explains how his company’s technology uses cameras and drones to automate and improve efficiency for warehouse operations.
On improving safety by using AI technology: “Typically, for inventory-taking, people either climb heights on trucks and forklifts to take inventory and manually move boxes and count them. And that process not just ends up being slow, it’s risky, because people have to go 30, 40 or 50 feet high, depending on how high your warehouse is, and they have to do this continuously, day in and day out. Now, with our AI and our computer vision, people can just press a button on the drone and it goes around, takes inventory.”
On improving accuracy in counting inventory: “This is where having a higher rate of taking inventory and automating inventory makes …