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Fresh food vending machines land at San Diego Airport [Video]

Farmer’s Fridge vending machines want to make fresh meals as easy to grab as a candy bar.

SAN DIEGO — If your New Year’s Resolution is to eat healthier, a vending machine company offers a possible solution for people who are on the go. 

In this Zevely Zone, I taste-tested ‘Food on the Fly’ at the San Diego Airport. Farmer’s Fridge launched salad vending machines at the airport during the peak travel season, making fresh, healthy food more affordable and accessible. 

I don’t know about you, but when I go to the airport with my family, we always rush, eat unhealthy food, and overpay. Farmer’s Fridge claims to be ‘stress relief in a jar,’ so we went to the airport to check it out. In the hustle and bustle, we approached the first person we saw and asked about the quality of airport food. “It is not always very good,” said Eileen …

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