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Genesis Liquid Restaking Protocols: Crypto Financing On Steroids – Brian Rose & João Simões [Video]

Venture Capital

Genesis Liquid Restaking Protocols: Crypto Financing On Steroids – Brian Rose & João Simões

Brian Rose: London Real
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CEO of Genesis Liquid Restaking Protocol

Today’s livestream features a man who is on a mission to transform the world of finance and technology by delivering a bespoke staking experience. João Simões is a blockchain expert, cryptocurrency pioneer and business leader who is blending his vast experience in both traditional finance and digital currency.

João is the co-founder and CEO of GenesisLRT, an innovative protocol leveraging Eigenlayer technology to redefine the landscape of decentralised finance. Through GenesisLRT, João aims to transform the way we interact with finance, ushering in a new era of security, trust, and transparency on the Ethereum network.

João’s journey into the world of blockchain began with the now customary interest in Bitcoin. This belief led João to found BitMasters, Portugal’s first Bitcoin mining cryptocurrency firm – and an early testament to his entrepreneurial spirit and foresight.

In addition to his role at GenesisLRT, João serves as the DeFi Business Developer at Tagus Labs, a Venture Studio based in Dubai, where he continues to push the boundaries of innovation in the crypto space.

Equally, as a Professor on the Global MBA program at Deakin University, Australia, João shares his expertise, teaching corporate finance remotely while also advising on a range of innovative Web3 projects, demonstrating his commitment to education and mentorship.

João’s previous experience as an executive in a private equity fund focused on energy and infrastructure projects in emerging markets where his insights and financial prowess played a pivotal role in driving sustainable development initiatives, and provided him with invaluable experience at the intersection of finance and technology.

Amidst his multifaceted career, João’s profound belief in the transformative potential of technology is unwavering. This conviction ultimately led to his role as the CEO and co-Founder of GenesisLRT.

Positioned as an Ethereum restaking protocol, GenesisLRT stands at the forefront of innovation, empowering investors to maximise their earnings and bolstering the security of the Ethereum network.

The GenesisLRT framework operates as a liquidity aggregator within the EigenLayer ecosystem, offering investors a seamless pathway to stake their Ethereum and participate in network validation.

Through a meticulous process, GenesisLRT facilitates the conversion of staked Ethereum into genETH, optimising liquidity while ensuring capital efficiency. By leveraging advanced smart contracts and innovative protocols, GenesisLRT redefines the dynamics of staking, offering investors unparalleled opportunities for growth and yield optimisation.

João’s vision for GenesisLRT extends beyond mere financial innovation; it embodies a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and interact with technology. With only a handful of companies operating in the LRT space, things certainly look promising from the outside.

I’m excited to be joined by João in the London Real hotseat, he’s a charismatic personality and big thinker, who is determined to grow the space. As he continues to push the boundaries of innovation and disruption, João remains steadfast in his commitment to reshaping the future of finance and technology.

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