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Hire Ara Darzi | World Class Surgeon & Science Speaker [Video]

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Not solely a science and technology speaker, Lord Ara Darzi also works hands on with a great deal of medical experiments, research and scientific developments; a leading researcher Lord Ara Darzi has published over 600 papers in peer-review journals. He is involved in leading Cancer Research and leads a team whose work includes leading research in Medical Image Computing, biomedical engineering, clinical safety, and robotics and remote surgery.

With a number of prestigious and high ranking appointments to his name Lord Ara Darzi is more than solely a science and technology speaker, he is a respected head of his field, his dedication and achievements recognised by the public, private sector and government. Lord Ara Darzi has been appointed Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Health as well as several honorary fellowships including at the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Medical Sciences.

Lord Darziā€™s vast experience working as a surgeonmakes him one of the most …

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