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Hire Ara Darzi | World Class Surgeon & Science Speaker [Video]

Not solely a science and technology speaker, Lord Ara Darzi also works hands on with a great deal of medical experiments, research and scientific developments; a leading researcher Lord Ara Darzi has published over 600 papers in peer-review journals. He is involved in leading Cancer Research and leads a team whose work includes leading research in Medical Image Computing, biomedical engineering, clinical safety, and robotics and remote surgery.

With a number of prestigious and high ranking appointments to his name Lord Ara Darzi is more than solely a science and technology speaker, he is a respected head of his field, his dedication and achievements recognised by the public, private sector and government. Lord Ara Darzi has been appointed Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Health as well as several honorary fellowships including at the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Medical Sciences.

Lord Darzi’s vast experience working as a surgeonmakes him one of the most …

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