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How do California propositions get their numbers? NBC Los Angeles [Video]

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This election, California voters will decide on these 10 statewide ballot measures, varying from Prop 2 to Prop 36. 

But how do these measures get placed on the ballot and how do these ballot measures get the number associated with them? 

Getting on the ballot 

There are two ways propositions can get on the ballot. 

  • The first is the California State Legislature can place a proposed law before voters. 
  • The second is through a petition. Anyone can bring forth a proposition. If it receives 546,651 signatures it will be placed on the ballot. If it is a Constitutional amendment it requires 874,641 signatures. 

The proposition’s number 

Propositions are given numbers starting at one and increasing for a span of 10 years. 

Every 10 years, they restart using numbers from one again. 

A specific proposition is given a number based on when it qualifies for the ballot. They appear on the ballot in the order they qualify, but …

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