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How to Host Mobile Backend? [Video]

Startup Funding

You have a complete grip on the frontend part of your mobile app development project. Presently, your focus is on the mobile app backend. You are wondering how to host a mobile backend. If that’s you, then you aren’t alone! Many start-ups, IT leaders, IT managers, and developers have this question. Read on, as we explain all about hosting mobile backend.

How to host mobile backend? Your options explained

You have the following two options to host the backend of mobile apps. These are as follows:

A. DIY (Do It Yourself): Handle the mobile app hosting on your own

In this approach, you buy a backend server or a hosting plan from a cloud service provider. You get certain services from the hosting provider.

The extent of the hosting service you get depends on the kind of plan you bought. This approach to backend implementation requires significant effort from you.

Your work might include server management, information security …

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