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Indigenous AI project selected for MIT program [Video]

Starting a Business

An Edmonton-based Indigenous-led startup that is developing artificial intelligence tools to assist in identifying anti-Indigenous bias has been selected to participate in a Massachusetts Institute of Technology support program.

wâsikan kisewâtisiwin, which means kind electricity in Cree, is working with Amii, the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, to develop two AI tools — the first monitors anti-Indigenous bias and hate speech on social media, and the other is a plug-in that helps correct bias and racism against Indigenous Peoples in writing.

wâsikan kisewâtisiwin was one of thirty successful applicants to the MIT Solve initiative out of more than 2,200 international applicants.

CEO and founder Shani Gwin made the successful pitch to an audience of more than 200 leading philanthropists and investors in New York City in September.

Gwin told Alberta Native News that she was inspired to create these tools by the …

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