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Lees Summit School District hiring bus drivers, aides at start of school year [Video]

KSHB 41 reporter Claire Bradshaw covers eastern Jackson County, including Blue Springs and Independence. Share your story idea with Claire.

Kids heading back to school means bus drivers are back on the road.

Lee’s Summit School District drivers reported this week before classes start Wednesday.

However, the district said it still needs around 15 bus drivers and a few more bus aides to ensure a full staff.

Tony Bragulla, district transportation director, said it is becoming harder to fill open positions.

“We want to find that right person that’s going to be a right fit with our students and work well with our district and our parents,” Tony Bragulla said.

An example of one “right person” is Jon Doyle. Doyle has been a driver for seven years since he lost his newspaper job.

“Really didn’t anticipate staying, especially going into my seventh year, but in all honesty, was a great landing spot for me,” he said.

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