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Mastering Website Footer Optimization: Your Key to SEO Success [Video]

Startup Tips

Mastering Website Footer Optimization: Your Key to SEO Success

In today’s episode, we’re zeroing in on your website’s footer. Yes, this often overlooked space is where brick and mortar business owners are falling short in their Google and SEO strategy. It’s time to ensure that we’re the first stop for all relevant searches. Your website footer is a prime location to strategically place keywords, streamline user navigation, facilitate service bookings, job applications, showcase credentials, and foster quick connections.

I’m excited to share ten powerful tips on optimizing your website footer to ensure that Google and your ideal clients not only find you but also develop a strong sense of liking and trust right from the start.

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Be Found, Liked and Trusted Faster – Google Workshop ( – If you think you’re the best kept secret in town?  Let’s change that.  In this new and improved on demand workshop I tell you exactly what you must do to be found, trusted and like quicker and easier.  

The Only Three You Need – Be the Only Option in Town by Doing Less! ( – As brick and mortar business owners we can get “shiny object syndrome.”  Jumping from one strategy to another. In this on demand workshop, I share with you what THREE strategies you need to be focusing in on at ALL times. 

20 min FREE Coffee Chat: (   Fast Track if Working together, either as a coach or consultant,  is a fit and get some immediate takeaways for your biz. 

Hire ME! Ready to delegate? This may be your option! ( : Google Business Profile, Email Campaigns, Text Campaigns, Social Media, and Bog Writing. 

Our Sponsor Nutritionist Lisa Holtan (

In 2009 Melissa Rose started her business, The Dancing House (   in the basement of her home. There she taught the art of dance to students of all ages while her babies were right along with her in the pack and play.  With passion, resilience, and tenacity – she created a business that has become “The Highlight of Your Week” for her tribe, her team and her community.  Along with running a successful brick and mortar business and an online dance membership ( .

Melissa’s also a visibility coach and consultant other local brick + mortar businesses. ( Providing direction by leveraging SEO best practices, encompassing Google Business Profile optimization, blog writing, social media engagement, and email/text campaigns.

When not inspiring or empowering, Melissa’s a mama of five kiddos, enjoys long hikes, playing in her garden and helping others grow and connect through Healthy in the Valley. (

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