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Medford increases fee schedule | Top Stories [Video]

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The changes go into affect starting January 1, 2025

MEDFORD, Ore. – The Medford City Council approved fee schedule changes at their November 7 meeting. The changes go into effect starting January 1, 2025.

The city projected that the fee schedule changes will bring in an additional 1.7 million dollars of revenue. This money will be spread across several different city funds.

The biggest increase in revenue is projected to come from an increase in business license fees. The increase is projected to bring in an additional $900,000  dollars in revenue to Fund 100, the city’s general fund. The rest of the additional revenue will be spread across the Public Safety Utility Fee Fund, Building Fund, Fleet Maintenance Fund and Rogue X Fund.

Anticipated Revenue Gains

The Public Safety Utility Fee is increasing from $15.57 to $16.07. This fee is charged to the responsible party of each developed property within the corporate limits of the city. This increase will go to help …

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