Starting A Business From Home

Minneapolis small businesses highlighted on Black Friday [Video]

Dozens of locally-owned businesses set up shop in the Capri Theater in Minneapolis

MINNEAPOLIS — Dozens of locally owned businesses set up shop Friday morning at the Capri Theater in North Minneapolis, braving the cold for an opportunity. 

“There’s not many people in North Minneapolis that’s doing stuff like this, so when the opportunity is out, come support,” Prince Clark, who goes by King, said.

Clark was one of many participating in Black Friday on Broadway, a chance for local businesses without a physical storefront to sell their products. Clark’s brand, LostLovers Clothing, started when he was 15.

“I wanted to create a brand with love and healing,” he said.

That brand has been growing ever since. Now 18 – Black Friday is actually his birthday – Clark says events like these are a big deal.

“Connection, one-on-one connection, is big important,” he said.

That face-to-face connection is a huge deal for the locally owned storefronts, competing for space among the big …

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