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Modern Black Women Fell For The White [Video]

Venture Capital
Modern Black Women Fell For The White Billionaire Loves Black Women Okey Doke – LMAO

Modern Black Women fall for the okey doke yet again!

By now you've heard about billionaire tech businessman and venture capitalist Ben Horowitz's statement about his Black wife, one Mrs. Felicia Horowitz – that she as a Black woman was "for grown men".

Of course, it wasn't long before the lovely ladies of da communitah threw on their red capes and went flying out the window, capes flapping in the breeze at breakneck speed – meanwhile, Mr. Horowitz had this to say on the matter via Shea Butter TwitterX barely a week ago: "I never said that.

I never even spoke to the woman who originally posted it.

I sent her a cease and desist, but welp.

I love my wife, but I don't talk like that about groups of people." BOOM!

WHY are so many Black women so incredibly THIRSTY for the White …

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